Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Task 2 - Scene comparison with Top-down design 19.12.17

Scene comparison with Top-down design

With the scenes made I can now start on the sequencer process. I matched the idea from my top-down designs so I can perfectly capture the cinematic scene. All of the assets have been placed to the exact spot, so that the scene matches with my idea. I am happy with the outcome of the scene and I will be further improving it in the post processing.

The top down idea from the storyboard imported into the scene.
To make sure that the scene matches my storyboard idea, I had to import the image from my Photoshop file and put it into the Unreal Engine. It is there that I followed my design idea from that image, so that the end result will be an exactly the same. Not everything was mentioned in the top-down image, due to the vast amount of detail. regardless it was added into the Unreal and it now looks like the idea I had in my mind.

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