Monday 18 December 2017

Task 2 - Unreal Scene Shots 18.12.17

Unreal Scene Shots

I have covered this in the unit 2 blog, but I will also display it here. As you can see the environment matches well with the storyboard plan.

Scene on does a good job in displaying the landscape from a birds eye view. The crystal bushes also help to build up the foliage in the area.

Scene 2 was the biggest environment of the three and did well to adjust the height map to fit the landscape scale. There are some missing textures but these will be address another time.

The cave sequence in this level follows my initial plan. I add need to add some more assets into this scene to show off more the underwater setting.

The alt shots main focus is mainly on the character, but for scene 3 (right image) the asset placement helps to show some signs of life.

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