Tuesday 16 January 2018

Task 4 - Actions Taken from Peer Feedback 16.1.18

Actions Taken from Peer Feedback

Most of the actions that I need to take are mainly coming from the drawings and lighting side, but of this feedback will help me develop the storyboards and level design even further. Because this is in a prototype stage anything is subject to change. So even if I like this idea now, I may change it later.

Storyboard Changes

A alternative scene of my storyboard
I change that I have done and still needs a bit of work is the addition of alternative scenes. At the current moment I am planning on adding three pf then and they will all be triggered via a  use of a QTE. I used the storyboard to captured the motion of the character, using the black arrows ti show his movement and the white ones for the camera. Getting these to work will be a bit tricky, but I know I will get them done. I also used the storyboard to practice a bit on my drawing skills. The perspective were done via the use of Lazi Nuzumi Pro. It does a really great job at capturing the perspective points.

Lighting Changes

Lighting change for Scene 1
Another change that I am currently doing is the addition of lighting in my scenes. By adjusting the fog density, temperature and bloom and I create a environment that feels cold and isolated. The style that I am look for for this game project. The lighting is in need of a few more adjustments, but the process is coming along well. Further adjustments on the tonemapper will also help with the global lighting, but all of this will be tested.

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