Tuesday 16 January 2018

Task 4 - Lighting Composition 16.1.18

Lighting Composition

The lighting in this scene is intended to be dark and cold. The addition of the fog density, allows the player to feel this way. I also added some lights in the crystals to show the reflections of the models. To help further improve them, I applied a screen reflection captures to help bring out their details more.

As for the assets, I applied the blinn materials to them, to help bring out the lighting details on the assets. This materiel was not applied to all of the assets; I only used it on the ones will be exposed to light the most. All three scenes lights will be done in the preview phase, so that I can adjust any of the global lighting without having to wait for a long bake. Once I am happy with them I can then apply the production lighting, so you can clearly see the quality of the assets. 

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