Unit 3 Evaluation
This unit let me experiment more with the story of a game and how it can affect the gameplay in general. Through this unit I learned about storyboard actions and what they mean. For example the black arrows always represent character action and the white arrows is the camera movement. All of this came in very handy when I developed my levels in the game. I already had some knowledge of storyboards in the past, but it is always handy to look back at them. I may learn something I did not know before.
The creation of the levels was an easy task and one that I have done before. Although there is that common mistake of putting all of the lighting in different levels. A mistake that can be easily fixed. I decided to go for an manually landscape creation rather then a pre-made one because I wanted to use the assets to help build up the terrain. The second scene however did have a height map imported because it would take too long to manually create a landscape in that scale. The hard part for this landscape development will be the scene three, which will mainly use the assets to build the environment. My plans for that will be to use a procedural created assets to help with the walls. Although for an experiment I could use Zbrush. This will require some research.
Of course every good environment needs to have some lighting. I feel more confident using the post-process tools in this Engine. I learned more about the tone-mapping and how it helps to improve the saturation and colour tone. Lighting will play a bug role in this project because some parts of the game will take the player underground. It is here that I will use the underwater moodboards, to create some new lighting. As part of my future development I will look into some particle effects, to see if I can get that underwater feel.
At this point I have got everything that I need to make my three scenes in the game. Even though they are finished, they are only in a pro-type stage and there is plenty more work to go in order to get a cinematic quality experience. All of this will be blogged in the FMP.
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